
Hugo & Victor: a gourmet success story

There’s a little gourmet brand born in Paris, growing and expanding: Hugo & Victor. After barely 4 years, several shops opening and the beginning of an international expansion, the brand is – already – publishing a book: « Les 5 saisons par Hugo & Victor Paris – 80 créations au fil des saisons » (“The 5 Seasons by Hugo & Victor Paris – 80 Creations through the Seasons”.  Is it speed or haste?

I have met Sylvain Blanc for a passion-story-interview so as to understand the Hugo & Victor mechanism: a young and true success story.

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Schizophrenia and the luxury field values

Influenzia has just published an article about the luxury field schizophrenia. There is a real gap indeed between the values conveyed, highlighted by luxury brands and the habits or expectations of our time. But luxury is often the legacy of another time. This gap is no surprise then.


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The little black… / Looking for its basics

In 2012, Guerlain  forcefully made its own the field of the little black dress (with the public launch of its perfume created in 2008). A great classic was suddenly swallowed up.

Despite a tribute attempt, it was more like a robbery, for isn’t it Gabrielle Chanel who democratized it in 1926? Read more